09:00 - 10:15
xPORT Business Accelerator VŠE
Jeseniova 2769/208 , Praha 3
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Do you want to boost your LinkedIn performance and reach new audiences? Or does your company want to start advertising on LinkedIn to get new customers? Then this event will be just for you. Dive into the dynamic world of LinkedIn with us at our upcoming event organized in collaboration with our member FUTURE SALES.

1. Evolution of LinkedIn

  • data
  • goals
  • CEE behaviour on LinkedIn

2. LinkedIn algorithm 2024

  • evolution of LinkedIn algorithm
  • news in algorithm 2024

3. LinkedIn Trends 2023

  • case studies
  • creater mode update 2024



About Jiří Jambor:
12+ years of experience driving B2B sales for non-profit organizations, SMEs, and corporations.
Specialized in LinkedIn business solutions, and lead generation.
Co-author of the first Czech book on Social Selling.



About Jan Kyselý:
14+ years of experience driving B2B marketing.
Co-author of the first Czech book on Social Selling.
Specialized in LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, digital marketing, and lead generation.




What does Jan Kyselý say about FUTURE SALES?

We believe that to conduct business efficiently and globally today, you must rely on accurate data and technologies, utilize available digital channels, and integrate your sales and marketing team’s activities into a unified approach.

In 2018, Jirka and I agreed that we observed a varied approach in practice. Companies primarily used proven offline channels to reach new clients, often sidelining B2B marketing. That’s why, in early 2019, we took a leap and launched a joint project, initially called “Social Selling po česku,” which later evolved into a full-fledged company named FUTURE SALES.

We initially focused on LinkedIn, widely used for B2B communication in the West but mainly seen as an HR platform in our region. Today, education and campaigns on LinkedIn remain our main product. Over time, we expanded our services to include data analytics, digital tool management (SalesTech), and email marketing to cover the most crucial aspects of today’s B2B marketing and sales market.

Attendance fee

Member’s Price: CZK 240 + VAT + CZK 15 service fee

Non-members’ price: CZK 320 + VAT + CZK 15 service fee
