11/02/2022 - 22/04/2022
08:00 - 10:00
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The British Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic and BCC’s member Slůně – svět jazyků, s.r.o. are happy to announce the 5th edition of the Business English Academy.

It’s a series of 10 educational workshops for people who want to get more courage in English and earn experience in various fields of English.

Length: 2 x 60 min, 1 break

Target group: people who want to refresh their English knowledge, want to experience native speakers and get better in various fields

Group size: 12 – 15 participants

Roster of the workshops:

11. 2. 2022 Communication on the phone

– preparation: vocabulary and useful phrases

– how to speak effectivelly over the phone

– communication on the  phone in different situations

18. 2. 2022

Writing e-mails

– introducing yourself via e-mail

– key phrases and e-mail writing, arranging meetings

– follow-up phone call

25. 2. 2022


– do`s and don’ts

– how to negotiate effectively

– key phrases and negotiation in different situations

4. 3. 2022


– how to make an effective and interesting presentation

– most common mistakes

– body languages

11. 3. 2022

Job interview

– most common questions and how to answer them

– preparation for a job interview

– how to impress the interviewer

18. 3. 2022

Motivation and small talk

– motivation schemes and rewards

– how to do small talk

– do`s and don`ts

25. 3. 2022

Ethical business

– Ethics in general

– how to deal with problems in the most ethical way

– how to improve your business

1. 4. 2022

Cultural differences

– our view on culture

– giving examples and talking about past events

– problems in communication within different cultures

8. 4. 2022


– working in team x alone

– effective communication

– solving problems

22. 4. 2022


– persuasion x manipulation

– key phrases

– how to use persuasion in an efficient way


