Blind Wine Tasting Business & Charity Mixer
Thank you all for a very fun, active and enjoyable Blind Wine Tasting we hosted last week together with Britské velvyslanectví v Praze – British Embassy Prague. We think that this year’s event really was a great success.
Throughout the evening, guests were able to enjoy a variety of wines provided to us by Tesco, who were able to provide for us a wide range of new and old world vintages. On arrival, guests received a score sheet and rated each wine and tried to identify what each wine is. We were glad to see so many people took part in the competition. The team with the most correct answers won a box of Prosecco and Lindt chocolates. Lastly we want to thank our charity partner of the evening, Diakonie ČCE. Who with the help of your very generous donations, were able to raise over 36,000CZK for Ukrainian Refugees in need.
General Partner:
General partner of BCC Blind Wine Tasting 2022 is Tesco, exclusive supplier of wines selected from Tesco Finest range. www.itesco.cz
Charity Partner:
This event has been postponed from previous date 24 February 2022