Brexit Perspectives Round Table | Is the Czech Industry Ready for Brexit?
The British Chamber of Commerce and Weinhold Legal cordially invite you to participate in the Brexit Perspectives Round Table
Is the Czech Industry Ready for Brexit?
Brexit will very likely lead to customs duties and other tariffs on goods moving between the UK and the Czech Republic. Together with longer customs clearance times, this will provide a challenge for manufacturing businesses and other industries.
In this round table we will take a look at the key areas likely to affect business between the UK and the Czech Republic and at steps that can be taken to minimise the negative effects of a hard border between the UK and the Czech Republic.
This event will be facilitated by Pav Younis of Weinhold Legal.
Homework Points
1, Look at your business between the UK and CR and think about:
- How much of it relies on it being free of customs duties to keep pricing competitive and
- How much of it relates to just in time deliveries, i.e. where your ability to deliver your goods quickly is crucial to your business.
- is that business part of a complex supply chain that may no longer work if it is subject to new duties and tariffs?
2, Look at your supplier/customer contracts for your UK/CZ business and think about
- How far they allow any adjustment in prices to take into account increases in tariffs and customs duties
- Whether any of your key contracts could be terminated because of a ‘change of circumstance’
- How far the term ‘EU’ or ‘Customs Union’ is used in the contracts and
- if they contain references to any EU laws.
If any of the above points are relevant, do you know if your contracts will still work after Brexit?
3, Please consider
- Whether your business with the UK is based on an EU regulatory approvals and
- If yes, do you know how such approval will work after UK to allow you to still do business with the UK?
Who should attend: Representatives of the BCC members who will be affected by Brexit.
Your active involvement, as well as sharing your views, needs and upcoming steps are welcomed and expected. See the homework points and have the answers prepared.
Please note the capacity is very limited.